What we are learning.


The subjects we are learning are:

  • Reading/Skills
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies

 The Major focus in our First grade curriculum is Literacy and Math. Most of your child's school day will be focused on these two subjects. We do incorporate science, social studies, health and safety.

Special subjects taught by other teachers are Physical Education, Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Spanish.

Math: First Grade Topics

* Addition and subtraction to 18
* Patterns, measurement, estimation, probability
* Place value to 100
* Time to half hour
* Money
* Geometry: plane and solid shapes
* Fractions to 1/4
* Problem solving


Integrated language Arts: Reading, writing, spelling, listening, speaking

* Reading & Writing Workshops
* Active Reading Strategies
* Book Selections
* Word Study Online Activities
* Parent Tips
* Reading Resources
* Readers Theater
* Spelling Resources
* Teacher's Book Shelf
* Writing Resources